• “Mom, how did you do it?  Raising four kids with no guidebook to tell you what to do?” I was sitting at the kitchen table, and my mom and I were having some special time together.  I was in my early 20’s.  I was about to graduate from college…that time in your life when you […]

  • Have you ever heard the jingle: “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there”? It conjures up the image in our mind that what makes a neighbor good is that they are caring and available to you. Recently, while a few of us went to lunch, we all entered through the same door of the […]

  • I was the speaker for our meeting last month.  I will admit that I have a slight (or not so slight)  fear of public speaking.  It makes me incredibly uncomfortable.  I feel awkward knowing that there are so many eyes staring at me, expecting wise nuggets to fall out of my mouth. During the month […]

  • A few weeks ago, we celebrated a dear friend’s 50th birthday.  The evening before the big bash, a few of us sat with the guest of honor.  There were lots of laughs and lots of tears, each of us expressing how much we loved and appreciated him. As we made our way around the circle, […]

  • “You know a lot of people!” My kids frequently say this to my husband and I, especially when visiting with family and friends. When we explain how we know each person, as well as the significance of their presence in our lives, a common theme resounds: fellowship. Rick Warren says, “Fellowship is living in God’s […]

  • Have you ever felt things swirling around you and a loss of control due to the circumstances you are facing?  We recently went through a big transition at work, and that is exactly how I felt.  When I lay awake at night, here are a few things that I was reminded: 1.  God is in […]

  • Have you ever watched young children play together? Each one can be happily playing with their toy until they notice the toy that their peer is playing with. Suddenly, you hear “I want that!” and see a hand rushing to grab what appears to be better. I had the privilege of being raised with the […]

  • I was determined. It wasn’t going to happen again. The last time I went through airport security, I mistakenly left a bottle of water in my purse. The security scanners caught it and I was asked to step to the side. I then went behind the curtain for a more thorough search while my family waited […]

  • Have you ever been in a position where you not only love what you do, but you love who you do it with or do it for? Maybe it was a teacher who not only challenged you to learn, but was also a great deal of fun. Or maybe it was a boss who empowered […]

  • My father was the pastor of my church when I was growing up, and I was the eldest child.  Given this position, I would constantly be reminded to set an example for the other women in our church in my attire and attitude.  It was a tall order. Most first-born children understand this pressure. People […]