• If you happened to catch the post I wrote last week, you may have seen that I included a photo of myself smiling big. That was quite a step outside of my comfort zone. You see, when I comb through old pictures, I am saddened by how I appear. Surprisingly, it’s not my hairdo or […]

  • Have you ever been in a position where you not only love what you do, but you love who you do it with or do it for? Maybe it was a teacher who not only challenged you to learn, but was also a great deal of fun. Or maybe it was a boss who empowered […]

  • My daughter and I were at the park playing with the new baseball glove and ball that she received. She was excited about it, and as I threw the ball to her a few times I realized how good of an arm she had. I thought this was interesting, given the glove and ball were […]